Sunday, October 12, 2008


I'm a little overwhelmed this week. I started at a new school, district, and grade level. My new school has different requirements than my last school district. We have evening in-services and weekend in-services so needless to say I have been busy. Adjusting to being a new teacher again is hard as well. I have more meetings to go to and I am new which is an adjustment. I am lucky to have supportive administration and teachers to work with. But it is still an adjustment. I am in a new grade level and I have state testing which I have not had before. All I can say is that I am overwhelmed. I am trying to take it one day at a time in order to keep myself going. Last week was hard because I really didn't have the weekend because I had an in-service. I don't know about you but I need the weekend to regroup and get ready for the next week.

As far as my project this week I have been working on how I would implement into my classroom. I am creating a timeline of what I would like to do. I am aware that every year will be different because the kids will dictate how fast or slow I would need to go. I am creating the best case scenario. My hope is that for the first two week I would focus on numbers 1-5. The third week would be a review of numbers 1-5. The following fourth and fifth weeks would be focusing on numbers 6-10. My sixth and final week would be a review of numbers 1-10. I have also been creating my template for my lessons. I want it to be uniform so that it is easy for the reader to follow and use in his/her classroom.

On top of my stressful week my son got pink eye from preschool on Friday. Friday afternoon I am in the doctor's office and the doctor tells me that I will be giving my son one drop in each eye three times a day. My son is like the Energizer bunny he doesn't stop at all. Needless to say it has been a challenging weekend. I am looking forward to Wednesday morning it will be our last day of drops. Knock on wood that he doesn't get it again. I can always hope! I am off to another exciting week in Mrs. Martinez's 3rd grade classroom!


LothLorien Stewart said...

Yikes! You have been busy. Hang in there, it sounds like your new school is a good and supportive place and that you have a strong and clear plan for implementing your Action Research in your new classroom.

Theresa Morris-Terry said...

Oh, Carrie! My goodness! I know where you are even though my daughters are 21 and 25! Medicine and three year-olds stop you in your tracks! You amaze me with all you do---a young son, a new job, and a new project. You must be the YODA of prioritization---I don't know how you do it. I am so happy for you that your staff understands your challenges! Keep on keepin' on, Carrie!!